Adding or Editing a Logo

Adding or editing a logo is very simple and easy. When you add a logo, it appears in the survey header, so your branding will carry through the entire survey experience.

File Upload Specifications:

  1. Format: JPG, GIF or PNG
  2. File Size: 5MB or less

To add a logo:

  1. Go to the Design Survey tab.
  2. In the upper left corner of the survey, click + Add Logo.
  3. Drag and drop a file or upload a logo from your computer.
  4. Click Close. Your changes will save automatically.

To change a logo:

  1. Go to the Design Survey tab.
  2. In the upper left corner of the survey, click + Add Logo.
  3. Remove the existing logo by clicking the “Remove file” below the logo.
  4. Drag and drop a new file or upload a new logo from your computer.
  5. Click Close. Your changes will save automatically.

To delete a logo:

  1. Go to the Design Survey tab.
  2. In the upper right corner of the survey, hover over your existing logo and click Delete.
  3. Surview logo will be displayed.

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