Max Diff Question

Max Diff is a question type that allows you to obtain preference and importance scores for multiple items. It is easy to use and applicable to a wider variety of research situations. Max Diff is also known as “best-worst scaling”.

Homunculus Question

The Homunculus question type allows you to capture visual patient data, based on patients choosing the area of discomfort felt in the body. This single question type can detect 24 pain locations on the front side and 29 locations on the back of the human body.

Stop Watch Question

Stop watch is a question type that lets respondents use an actual timer to answer a specific question. This type of question also requires the respondent to perform such action to determine the answer.

Text A/B Test Question

Text A/B Test question is a close-ended question type allows you to randomly display different versions of a question/text and set the percentage of respondents that will be shown each variable. When you analyze your results, you can assess how the different versions affected respondents and drew responses.

Image A/B Test Question

Image A/B Test question is a close-ended type that allows you to randomly display different images to different respondents. When you analyze your results, you can assess how the different images affected respondents and drew responses.

Image Question

Image question type is a close-ended question that allows you to add images that are separate from any questions, add images containing question texts, or add images as answer options. You may also use this question type for illustrations and additional design to your survey.

Text Question

The Text question type allows you to create your own customized questions or simply insert a text. You can also use this question type to create a statement to your survey design to provide further instructions to your respondents.