XLS (Excel) Exports

Survey results can be exported as an XLS spreadsheet and can be opened in Excel. View example exports >> 

To export your survey results in excel:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results tab.
  2. Locate the Export section on the left sidebar.
  3. Choose from the following export types:
    • Question Summaries with Charts
    • Question as Single Column
    • Respondent as Single Row
  4. Exported files are ready to be downloaded from the Data Exported window.

Spreadsheet Organization

A set of answers from a given respondent is included in each row in the spreadsheet, allowing you to do your own analysis per question.

Column Item Description
Respondent ID The unique number assigned to each survey respondent.
Collector Name Name of the collector you used in the survey.
Start Date Date and time when the respondent accessed the survey.
End Date Date and time when the respondent submitted or last modified the survey.
Time Spent The difference between the Started and Last Modified times.
IP Address The IP address of the respondent will be available is you turned on IP Address tracking.
Completeness Status View responses based on their completeness status, partial, completed and etc.
Email Address Available if you used the Email Invitation Collector.
First Name Available if you added this to the contact and used the Email Invitation Collector.
Last Name Available if you added this to the contact and used the Email Invitation Collector.
Question 1 The first question of your survey. Blank cells are answer options the respondent didn’t select or questions the respondent didn’t answer or skipped due to logic in your survey design.

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