Survey Link is not Working

When Respondent opens a Survey and it has Answers already

When you clicked on survey link and saw that responses had already been selected or submitted, then the Response Editing option has been enabled in the survey and the Multiple Responses has been disabled in Answer Editing.

Do the following:

  • If you are the survey maker, you can edit the settings here if you are using a Web Link collector or here for other collector types.
  • If you are a respondent, and someone sent you a link for a survey, you’ll be able to edit the responses. Please don’t edit the responses. Contact the survey maker or someone who sent you the link to disable Response Editing. Once it’s done you can take the survey again using the same link.

Respondents want to Edit Their Survey Responses

If the Response Editing option has been disabled in your survey, but your respondents requested to edit their answers. You can allow them to modify their responses by editing your survey settings depending on what collector you have used. Click here to select collector type.

If the survey link you received shows a message stating that you have already taken the survey or it goes straight to a Thank You page, then the survey is set to allow only one response per device. It means, someone has completed the survey using the same device as you use. You can contact the survey maker for them to modify settings for you to be able to take the survey.

*Sign up here for Free – and create your own survey!

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