Comparing Survey Results

Compare rules allow you do simple comparisons based on a single question. Compare the answer choices from one question across the rest of the survey to uncover interesting correlations in your data.

For example, if you have a question that asks people for their age, you can compare how different age groups answered the survey.

Create Compare Rules

To create a Compare rule:

  1. Click Analyze Results.
  2. On the left sidebar, click +Compare.
  3. Choose to compare by Question & Answer or A/B Test.
  4. Click Apply.

Types of Compare Rules

Rule Type Description
Question & Answer Focus on respondents who answered a question with a specific answer choice.
A/B Test If you used an A/B test in your survey, compare responses from people who saw each variable.

Managing Compare Rules

In the Current View section in the left sidebar, under the Compare tab, click Applied Rules to see the applied and currently active compare rules.

Click the DELETE - Comparing Survey Results next to the active rule to unapply or delete it.

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