Basic Statistics

Enable the Basic Statistics to assign each answer choice a numeric value. Using these values, the minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation for the question will be calculated.

Statistic Description
Minimum & Maximum It is the lowest and the highest value, or answer choice chosen by at least one respondent.
Mean All responses’ average.
Median This is the average of the middle two answer choices. The midpoint at which all responses are evenly divided above or below.
Standard Deviation The quantity or distance of the average distribution.

To show the basic statistics for a question:

  1. Go to the Analyze Results tab.
  2. Click Customize at the upper right of a question.
  3. Click the Display Options tab.
  4. Tick the box next to Basic Statistics.
  5. Click Save. Basic statistics will show in a separate data table below the question chart.

Basic statistics can be exported in PDF file.

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