To add an “Other” Answer Option

Adding “Other” as an answer option allows respondents to either add information about their choice, or provide an alternative answer if the available answer choices do not apply to them.

To add an “Other” answer option:

  1. Tick the  beside “Add an Other answer option for comments”.
  2. The default label “Other (please specify)” will be displayed. You can also change the default label based on your requirement.
  3. Under the Size row, you may set a limit to the comments by choosing between Single Line of Text or Paragraph of Text and the number of characters from 5 to 100.
  4. You can enable the Validation to match a predefined custom format, for example: a specific length, a whole number, a date or an email address.
  5. You can customize the error message that will be displayed when the answer is invalid.
  6. Click Save.ADD AN OTHER ICON

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