Email Invitation Tracking

Email invitation tracking allows you to monitor the actions of your respondents towards the survey sent via email. You can check whether your recipients opened your invitation, clicked through to the survey, responded to your survey, or opted out of your survey in the Overview tab of the collector.

Email Invitation Tracking

Email invitation tracking allows you to monitor the actions of your respondents towards the survey sent via email. You can check whether your recipients opened your invitation, clicked through to the survey, responded to your survey, or opted out of your survey in the Overview tab of the collector.

Finding a Survey

If you’re supposed to take an online survey but you don’t have the survey link or URL, contact the survey creator who asked you to take the survey to send you the survey link or the URL.

Analyzing Survey Results

Analysis of survey results is a real-time experience in Surview. As soon as respondents start submitting their responses you can start analyzing survey results. It’s a great idea to check through the summaries for each question to get a feel for how people have responded.