Depending on the question settings, closed-ended question types will either have round radio buttons or square checkbox buttons.
Why the answers in Matrix / Rating Scale question disappear or deselect?
If the Forced Ranking option is enabled on a Matrix / Rating Scale question and the respondent is trying to choose the same column choice for a different row, the previous answer choice will be deselected.
Respondents have Skipped the Required Questions
Questions that respondents didn’t answer are marked skipped in the Analyze Results section.
Survey Responses are Missing
Once you have send out the correct survey link correctly to the correct respondents then rest assured that the responses are saved and recorded in the Analyze Results section of your survey
Why there are responses already when I open the survey?
When you opened the survey link and there were answers selected or written already, then the survey maker has turned on the Response Editing option and has turned off the Multiple Responses option.
Can the survey responses be saved and completed later?
Survey responses can be saved and be completed later if the survey maker has set the Collector settings to allow respondents to edit their responses.
Why do surveys time out or not completely loading a page?
Why do surveys time out or not completely loading a page? A survey design with a lot of long questions, answer choices or images on a single page can cause problems in loading time.
Can the respondents answer the same survey multiple times?
Can the respondents answer the same survey multiple times? In Surview, we made it possible. Check out the following options here.
How will I know if my responses have been recorded?
The responses are being recorded in the Analyze Results section of your survey when the respondents click the navigation buttons Next and Done.
Respondents Can’t Finish My Survey
Firstly, ensure that you have sent out the correct survey link to your respondents. Links are character and case sensitive, so the links could be broken if an extra space or lower-case letter has been used instead of an upper-case letter.