• Using Rules to Analyze Your Data

    Rules allow you to analyze your data more closely and the way most meaningful to you.

  • Filtering Survey Results

    Rules allow you to analyze your data more closely and the way most meaningful to you. Filtering survey results help you to focus on a specific subset of your data based on certain criteria that you define.

  • Comparing Survey Results

    Compare rules allow you do simple comparisons based on a single question. Compare the answer choices from one question across the rest of the survey to uncover interesting correlations in your data.

  • Show Rules

    Show or hide certain survey questions or pages. Select the questions you want to show and we’ll hide the rest. Use show rules to focus the attention on the most interesting results worth sharing.

  • Views

    Views are customized snapshots of your survey results’ data. View help when you are analyzing survey result data by comparing the source data with data obtained after applying filer rules.